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Country: North America, US, United States

City: 48917 Lansing, Michigan

  • chubbybubba - Essential for students.As much as I love Pages for mac, it just doesn't play nice with others. I hadn't used Word for years but my kid needed it for school. No regrets though. It works great, had no issues with crashing or anything like that. It was easy to download and install. If you don't buy it now, somewhere down the road you will eventually need to.
  • ComfyShoeMaven - Excellent ProductI bought this as a Gold Box special, and it arrived a few days before I was to have some major surgery.

    I wanted to get all my affairs in order just in case, and the Will Maker helped me accomplish this.

    The program takes you through each step, and you just plug in the information. What is great is that it provides the form that is considered legal in each state.

    I created a will, a medical power of attorney, and advanced directive. I had an advanced directive that I had found on the Internet, but the one in Will Maker is much more thorough, and takes into account many of the directives that my doctor told me should be included.

    All this, plus the free legal encyclopedia, made the purchase very worthwhile, and I highly recommend it.
  • eyecore - Great test prep - way better than college prep workAfter graduating from the U of Portland and getting this book...this book proved how badly the University prepared students for the NCLEX. This book is fantastic. (The coursework itself and education from the school was good...but the prep to the test was lacking, obscure, and was not anywhere close to what the test actually covers.)

    This NCLEX test prep book is a must have for all soon-to-be testers. It's very straightforward, you can build confidence and ensure you know and understand the material, and self test to make sure your test will go well. Highly recommended!
  • Rosinda - Read it s-l-o-w-l-y and make it last!Susan Branch is a favorite author of mine. Her books are treasured keepsakes in my library and this latest book, A Fine Romance, is no exception. Candidly written in diary-fashion, this book is a must-read; weather you've visited England before or are planning to visit again. If you aren't planning to visit, Susan may just change your mind! Take a vicarious journey across the Atlantic (on the Queen Mary 2), to the romantic English countryside and follow Susan along the way to the loveliest and dreamiest of places. This book is ever so charming and full to the brim with love and inspiration! I found myself reading it slowly, savoring every page so I could make it last. A gem of a book!