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  • Bradlaugh - A Finger Saver!I've tried everything to get the perfect sliced banana. A jigsaw is too messy and leaves an oily residue on bananas--yuck! Circular saws? Same problem! A ladel? A mushy, inedible mess! I thought I'd found the perfect solution with straight razors but after losing 3 fingers to the process I was prepared to give up the yellow fruit forever.

    On a whim, I purchased the Hutzler 571 Banana Slicer, a significant improvement over the 520 model which had some safety issues. I'm pleased to report that I've never had more uniform banana slices in my life. What is more, it's so easy to operate that I can do it with just seven fingers! It's yellow color and banana-like shape just beckons from the utility drawer, crying out for use. Heck, I think I'll slice up a banana right now! Fun! Fun! Fun!
  • J. Mccarthy - These cables cured my AIDS.What can I say? I blew $500 on this cable thinking I might as well enjoy the highest quality data transmission during my last miserable AIDS-infested days on the planet. Well upon installing the cable I noticed a spring in my step and a lessening of the sores. 2 weeks, that's right 2 weeks later, my doctors told me that I had been cured of AIDS!!! Can't wait to go back to Haiti now!!!
  • Bertha Bearden - GREAT PRODUCT--GREAT CUSTOMER SERVICEI would like to take this opportunity to commend you on your production & customer service for the Kindle. My husband bought one as a surprise gift for me at Christmas.
    I absolutely LOVE IT!!! I am a bookworm & love to read. It is so nice not to worry about
    what page you're reading or keeping up to make sure you don't finish a book while away on a trip without packing a spare one. The built-in dictionary is a dream. I could go on & on but I'm sure you have heard all the raves.

    I really want to give credit to your Customer Service department for a superb job. When I noticed that my Kindle was displaying strange lines at the top of every page, I was so afraid that it would be weeks before I would get mine repaired. I can't go for weeks without reading & I thought I would have to purchase the book I was currently reading to continue.
    To my surprise, I called Customer Service at 7:00 PM on 07/12/10 & spoke to Carl. He
    Was soooo nice & helpful. He tried to reset it over the phone, but when that did not correct the problem--he said I'll have you a replacement tomorrow. Guess what?? When I got home at 7:00 PM the next night---there it was!!! --& I live in a SMALL community. I have stated many times that this is the BEST GIFT I have ever received & once again, proves that to be correct. Thanks again for your time & co-operation.