
Cyndi Gilbert, Naturopathic Doctor - Cyndi Gilbert, Naturopathic Doctor located in Little Italy, Toronto, Ontario

Country: North America, US, United States

City: 75244 Dallas, Texas

  • snarkymark - A good info sourceThis is a good source of analysis to have by your side when watching football this season. Even if you get bored reading the stats, the writing style is
    lively enough to get your attention. The emphasis is on pro football, rather than college, due to space limitations. I also like the projections for
    QBs, RBs, and WR/TEs. If you want to know how the Giants won the Super Bowl last year, or if the Eagles will fare better this year, or even if the
    Bengals can make back to back playoff appearances, it's in this book.
  • john - safe and healthyGreat alternative to dangerous chemical filled flea and tick medications if you are looking for a natural flea and tick prevention then get this it also smells great and most importantly your pets will be safe.
  • Elise - A Fine RomanceLove, Love, Love this book! I couldn't put it down. Susan took us with her, every day...and the historic places she took us were not only beautiful but will leave you breathless is her descriptions of them. You won't be able to not find yourself falling in love with it. It is truly 'A Fine Romance.' ♥
  • Victoria J. Faust "Civility Reviews" - Yes, it has a slight (medicine-ey?) If that's a word Smell....But WonderfulI love this stuff, that and Purity Made Simple. That smells a little like Medicine also, but I think that the line was first made for people with skin problems and eventually made it to regular old ladies (55 soon) But it is great for all ages. I am just one of those people that was blessed with skin that took awhile to show wrinkles. I started with the line 4 years ago and have been very happy with 95% of the products. Some things just don't work for everyone.
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