Fairfordsurgery.co.uk Review:

Hilary Cottage Surgery - Information about the doctors surgery opening hours, appointments, online prescriptions, health information and much more - Hilary Cottage Surgery Hilary Cottage Surgery,Keble Lawns,Fairford,Gloucestershire GL7 4BQ, Information about the doctors surgery opening hours, appointments, online prescriptions, health information and much more


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  • John Mangin - Uniquely QualifiedI haven't read the entire book yet, but I've really enjoyed the excerpts on WSJ and Slate.

    The central objection of the campaign against the book is that Emily Oster, as an economist, lacks medical training and is unqualified to write a book that touches on healthcare and medical issues. (See, e.g., this: http://www.nofas.org/2013/08/16/emily-oster-ten-key-responses/) The other objections seem to flow from this one.

    As an economist, Oster's career is built around conducting and analyzing regression studies to tease out complex relationships among multiple variables. That's what microeconomists do, and that's exactly what she's doing here with the many studies on the pregnancy-related questions the book addresses. As such, she's uniquely qualified to write this book and provides a perspective that your Ob-Gyn can't (unless he or she happens to have world-class, doctoral-level training in economics and statistics and lots of time after work to sort through the methodological appendices of thousands of studies).
  • Edgar - Geat Fit!7 inches is the right size! I used to own an iPad 2, i had to sell it and I replaced it with the mini. Wonderful upgrade, it has all the latest functionalities and it just feels great on the hand.

    I do not miss retina on a tablet since I never had a retina iPad, but this does work great for me, as an e-reader, facetime, even netflix.
  • grams - Very interesting bookVery well written and easy to read. Very informative and interesting. Have recommended it to others as well. It has a lot of tips for good health that I have found helpful. If you are interested in finding out what foods work well for your particular body, this book will help you identify those foods.
  • Nicole R. - Life saverDiscovering this product was a real lifesaver for me. I wasn't expecting much, but it has worked like a charm. I suffered from excessive sweating. It was something I was constantly worrying about throughout high school. I used to avoid wearing certain colors, and I would dread the warm weather. After at lease two years of using this product, all of that is a thing of the past. I never have to worry about making sweat marks on my clothes. I am so glad I don't have to worry about possible embarrassment anymore. I also think that as I have used it longer, I am able to use it less. I now can go two weeks without needing to use a new sheet. This may not be the case for everyone, but it fortunately is for me. The bottom line is: TRY IT. If excessive sweating is something you suffer from and you wish to be free from that burden TRY IT! For me, it was worth the risk.