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  • L. Harrington "harrlm17" - Provides data so you can make your own choices!This book was filled with well thought out and researched information presented in a way so that you can make your own informed decisions. This book provides more detailed reasons for the many Do's and Don'ts pregnant women are presented with. The author provides details on how and why she came to her own conclusions regarding caffine, alcohol, foods, etc. She then provides her readers with all the information so you can make your own decisions. I'd highly recommend this to any expectant mother.
  • MIKEL SMITH - Legal AndrogelDHEA is the only drug that has made my testicles bigger.I suffer from HYPOGONADISM.Taking testosterone only made them smaller.

    This is a great book for those who want to feel like a man again.

    I only take 25mg. a day you don't really need that much.