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Country: North America, US, United States

City: 78218 San Antonio, Texas

  • ginnyh - Total Transformation is your safe harbor in the storm.If you are struggling with the frustration of dealing with defiant behaviour from your child, you have come to the right place. The entire Total Transformation team will guide you through the process of relearning how to parent so that you have peace in your household. The program itself is very easy to use and effective from the first CD, and the staff of counselors in the help center are genuinely caring and supportive. The small investment for tools that my family can use from now on was well worth it. I whole heartedly endorse this program.
  • Linda E Washer - Great information, easy to read & understand. To me the information makes so much common sense. We are not getting enough oxygenGreat information, easy to read & understand. Everyone should read it! I'm drinking the distilled water with H2O2 to see how well it works. I don't have cancer or at least I haven't been told I do. Though I did smoke for 33 years & quite a little over 16 years ago. I haven't been told I have any major diseases, but have had allergies and sinus problems all my life that it seems to be helping. Hopefully if there are other problems that I don't know about it will ward off any possible health problems. Which cancer is a concern from after smoking for all those years. My Aunt quite more than 30 years ago & now has terminal cancer. She doesn't want any treatments since she's about 90 years old. It just seems it can show up even after years of not smoking so I thought maybe it might be a good idea to try the information out. Especially since the "cure" isn't expensive & could help save a lot of medical bills down thhe road. My mother actually bought the same book from somewhere & I read her book & purchased 3 book from your web site so I could keep one, give one to my daughter & have one to pass around to people who might be interested in reading it. You just have to be careful of the "Food Grade H2O2" not to mix too strong & if the pure H2O2 gets on your skin full strength it strings & turns your skin white after being on your skin. To me the information makes so much common sense. We are not getting enough oxygen into our blood stream (especially with my sinus & allergy problems) & one of the things the medical doctors tell you to do is getting exersise. Well when you exersise you are breathing harder & taking in more oxygen. They also use oxygen pressure chambers to help with different medical issues. So if by drinking the distilled water with a few drops of Food Grade H2O2 can add oxygen into my blood stream (I can't exersise because of knee & back problems) that could help ward off additional diseases & medical bills I'm willing to try it! (I wish this had spell check !!!)