
The Staunton Group Practice - Information about the doctors surgery opening hours, appointments, online prescriptions, health information and much more - The Staunton Group Practice Morum House Medical Centre,3-5 Bounds Green Road,London N22 8HE, Information about the doctors surgery opening hours, appointments, online prescriptions, health information and much more

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  • JJPhotoWriter "Photographer/Writer/Author" - Outstanding Wide Angle LensThis is my first "true" wide angle lens (DSLR) and I could not be happier. I have only tested it thus far, but my initial judgment is that this is the ultimate! One can get a great "fish eye" effect at the 10mm end and achielve a great wide angle view all the way up to 22mm. I have aspirations of greatness with this lens and will post some photos once the weater clears up.

    Overall, a must have for the artistic, interior, or architectural photographer.
  • Sasha - BEST nasal aspirator invented yet!I discovered this nasal aspirator from my doctor who uses it in his office for small babies. After watching how effective it was, I bought one! I am so glad I bought this, it has helped lessen the amount of possible nasal and bronchial infections my children could've gotten if I had not invested in this thing. They catch colds from school and each other and both of them are not very good at blowing their noses even though they try. All I do is spray a little saline into their noses and then vac. Don't be deterred by seeing their snots in the tube, it's a little gross at first but it's actually very helpful to see the color of their snots. It helps you determine if they are getting a sinus infection. It works so very well and easy to clean!