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  • Barbara Rose - Gonna rate it highly for nowI'm 67 years old, so I'm not expecting miracles from my Derma Wand. I want to say first off, that I'm so glad that items like this can be ordered from Amazon. I'm a confirmed Amazon shopper, and would never order one of these from the television commercial. The "shipping and handling" is exorbitant, and so many people are charged for a lot more than the cost of the item, and there is no customer service. Whereas, Amazon has amazing customer service. I think most Amazon shoppers realize that.....

    As for the wand itself, I've been using it for several weeks, and I'm not sure if I can see any real difference yet, but I like the idea of being proactive about my face and neck. Also, if I can just maintain what I have, and then maybe see a bit of improvement, that's all I'm really looking for. Just going thru the routine helps me with cleaning and moisturizing, which I might tend to skip once in a while. I like the gentle "zapping" and the "smell": that a few people mention is practically non existent. Kinda makes me think that something is going on in a good way.....

    So....I might edit my rating down the line, but this item, and the reasonable price, is just fine with me. I tried all kinds of creams and things about 15 years ago to deal with my droopy eyelids (REAL droopy), and finally gave in and had eyelid surgery on them. I know a bunch of people hate the idea of plastic surgery, but sometimes that's the only way to deal with pretty extreme issues. So I'm not looking for a miracle. My skin is still pretty good, and I'm basically trying to keep it that way. So far, it's been a nice experience.
  • Kat - Immediate Relief Within 200 Page Easy Read!!After doing nearly two years of research on my Fiancé's 'condition', I became convinced he had Crohns Disease. He had been hospitalized early last year for a fistula and released, without a diagnosis or any direction as to preventing another. I received instructions as to his dressing changes, but I was concerned about how to avoid another hospital stay. I found information online that described Crohns and the various drug and surgery treatments, all stating there was not a 'cure' for this disease. -Until I came across this book! This book outlines Crohns, Autism, neuro issues, all in a very easy to read, without being condescending way. The best part is after you understand the origin of each issue, you are given a step by step method of CURING it! From the first day I rec'd the book, I began fixing the recommended foods for my Fiancé and he has started to feel better! Now two weeks in my possession, he is starting to look better! He hasn't any complaints of indigestion or mouth sores. He can confidently enjoy a meal without the concern of what may follow and his energy levels are starting to return! The guidence is clear and the recipes easy to follow, this book makes what Dr.s haven't been able to figure out, almost easy. I am so grateful that a bit of a dietary adjustment and creativity has had such high dividends. If you have any health issues, I recommend picking this book up. -You'd be surprised just how much effect what you eat has on how you feel. I have to admit, even I feel better!
  • A. Meyers - I love it!I bought this shortly after moving into my first apartment. Previously I had a collection of grocery store and hand me down bake ware and they just weren't baking properly (warping, sticking, impossible clean up). This set is a great price. It has everything you need for a starter set. I use the baking sheet constantly. I've used the loaf pan and the cupcakes as well. I haven't had a problem with sticking or improper baking. I saw some other reviews saying the the nonstick coating wears off fairly quickly but I have yet to have this problem. I am very careful with them. I hand wash with a soft sponge and avoid metal utensils and so far the coating is fine. I think this was a great investment and way better than anything I've ever owned. Cleanup is so much easier and my baked goods always cook evenly.
  • lvnddrm - Great Switch from Quicken Home and BusinessI have a Mac and had been using Quicken Home and Business running virtually with Parallels. Never liked the idea of having Windows XP on my new Mac. Hello.......that's why I switched to Mac. I was a little apprehensive on making the switch to Quickbooks for Mac after reading tons of reviews. I would have to say the switch has been VERY easy and satisfying. Dont believe all the knocks from the PCers. Program isn't perfect......but has worked great so far for me. I own a small residential cleaning and construction company and QB for Mac meets all my current needs. Don't fear......try it out for yourself and see!! And no........I dont work for Intuit! Godspeed from Cincy.
  • KELLI M - BEST MONEY I HAVE EVER SPENTI went ahead and spent the money on the iLight, because I have very dark hair and have spent a fortune on waxing and shaving. I get very bad ingrown hairs that are awful after shaving or waxing. I did my bikini line 2 times on the 2nd setting. I must say I'm so surprised, there are areas where they hair is not growing back. JUST 2 TREATMENTS. I just did the 3rd treatment last night and I can't wait to see how much more hair disappears. I decided to do my underarms since I had such great results with the bikini area. Legs are next for sure. This product works as well if not better than advertised. You will not be sorry and it is well worth the cost. Much cheaper than having it done professionally and saves a ton on waxing. Buy it that's all I can say.