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Country: North America, US, United States

City: 78218 San Antonio, Texas

  • Charles - MN - Great value, easy to assembleGreat product: Assembled in just over an hour with my wife, no parts damaged or missing, clear directions, kids love it! When you start to attach the mat & springs to the frame, double check that you have the spacing correct and follow the sequence in the instructions and you will be good to go!
  • S. J. Anzaroot - Makes a Great Soup!I told my doctor it was totaly worth it. He called my later and agreed.
  • J. Vance - Really enjoying itI was a bit hesitant to buy this because I'm famous for buying kitchen gadgets and rarely if ever using them. I'm happy to report I didn't need to worry about how much use this delightful latte maker is getting. I've used it every day since I got it and have been enjoying it immensely. It's 1) easy to use 2) easy to clean (very important) and 3) makes really tasty lattes, as well as hot chocolate. I couldn't be happier with this purchase!
  • M. Sada - Spore exceeded my expectationsI really enjoyed playing Spore. I was one of the people waiting for this game to come out for 3 and a half years. Because of this I would consider my expectations to be quite high. I enjoy almost every bit of the gameplay, and the creature creator is genius. The different stages are shorter than most games, but put together they make a sizable game and a replayable one. While the use of DRM is disappointing it does not take away from the game in any significant way. If for some reason you are morally opposed to DRM then I suggest you take it up with EA, but this has no bearing on the gameplay of SPORE.