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  • AlanL - Jettison Relativism & ReligionIn this book Harris argues that science can establish universal values cross-culturally, and claims that the "is-ought" distinction is a needless constraint on human thought. After reading this book, I agree. Harris argues from intellectual authority - his end-notes eat up approximately 40 pages, as does his bibliography. Even the end notes are interesting to read.

    Also interesting are his descriptions of how our moral intuitions often fail us. He details the bizarre and troubling "genocide neglect" phenomenon, and regales us with the always interesting philosophical trolley problems. If a god does provide us with our moral intuitions, then she's has a weird sense of humor.

    Beware the section on psychopathy, as Harris leaves little unsaid. It is not gratuitous, but it is detailed, and it gave me nightmares.

    Even though some of the subject matter is difficult, there is a reason to hope: i.e. we can jettison relativism and the dogma of religion. Harrison articulates difficult concepts clearly and without needless jargon. And while this is not the final word on this subject, it's a great beginning.
  • Mary "Mary" - This book changed my life!Guided by the book, I started the SCD diet in June 2007 (9 months ago). At the time I was on Remicade and had had a bowel resection for my Crohn's disease. I have suffered for over 20 years with the disease and my doctor said I would be on Remicade for the rest of my life. After being on the diet for only 3 months, my insurance changed so drastically that I could not afford the Remicade. With great trepidation, I took myself off of it. I have now been off of Remicade for 6 months. While I am still healing, my life is so very different than it was a year ago. I never miss work, I have no pain, I no longer need to plan my life around trips to the restroom. I credit the book, God, and the diet for my miraculous healing. The diet is very difficult and I really did not think I had the will power to tackle it. I am so glad that God gave me the strength. Although the SCD diet is quite restrictive, it is not as restrictive as inflammatory bowel disease!
  • Donald W. Jordan - Spore--Creative GameplaySimply put, Spore is the type of game that I've been waiting for since I first turned on my computer back in 1983. As an adult, I've followed the development of the game for the last 4 years, watching all of the video's I could find. Later, when my son grew interested, we would watch the E3 videos and interviews with rapt attention.

    It saddens me that it is this game that a group of hard-core gamers have chosen to strike against for the DRM. Why was there nothing like this with the all of violent or bloodthirsty games out there? You would think that with MMORPGs being as popular as they are, liking to the internet for authentication would be old hat--yesterday's news. OK, so you have to authenticate--if that is what it takes for me to play a game without having to pull out the CD every single time I play it, then so be it. I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to play a game but could only find disk 2 of 2, and couldn't find the play disk. $50 gone. It has been a dream to finally have a game that just runs without the disk--just like all of my business software.

    Finally there is a game that is creative and imaginative that encourages creativity and imagination. I play this game with my son--and he develops very detailed back story to the creatures he makes and even writes stories about them. This is what computer games are supposed to do--excite imagination.

    The facts:
    *Spore is geared to the casual gamer. Maxis has never made a secret of this. There was quite a bit of exposure for this game prior to launch that I'm surprised that more people didn't expect the game to be what exactly what it was.
    *Spore is geared to the gamer who likes complexity. For all the criticism of Spore being too easy, it is clear that the first four stages of the game are a tutorial for the last part of the game which is quite extensive.
    *Spore encourages creativity. My eight year old son is creating complex structures in the editors that are truly amazing. Several times I thought he had gone to the Sporopedia and selected something that someone else had made, only to find out that he had figured out how to make some very interesting things on the editor. I think this is one of the best parts of the game myself. "It is amazing," he said to me, "how you can make such complicated things out of simple shapes." This was a lesson I hadn't learned until slogging through SoftImage polygons in college. For a 3rd grader to get that kind of exposure to 3D manipulation and modeling is nothing short of amazing.
    *Spore is re-playable. I've played through to the space stage with a very aggressive war-like creature and now I've started over to see what happens when I have my creature become a herbivore. You know what? It changes the whole character of the game. Additionally, for those who complain that the levels go to fast, I say it only goes as fast as you want. Stick around in a level and you can find vary interesting things like half buried spacecraft, epic creatures, and some fun Easter eggs. It wasn't until my second time around that I learned that you could even domesticate animals--my son found that by accident.

    Note: I am playing the Mac version of the game and after playing for a week, I have yet to see the game crash. It seems very stable on this platform.