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  • BeckBoo2 - Great BikeThe bike was mostly put together when i received it. All i had to do was put the wheels, handle bars, pedals and seat on. Easy enough i think, only took an hour. The only thing i had a little trouble with was adjusting the break line. It is a pretty light bike in my opinion, im a 5'3 girl and i can carry it up and down my stairs. im overall happy with my purchase
  • Kel Barn - A Book The World NeedsIt seems today that both the religiously-hijacked political Right and the far Left can most of the time agree on one thing: that people's religious beliefs shouldn't be criticized, and that science better stay out of the business of morality and just keep cranking out new drugs and smaller iPods. The Moral Landscape seems to have been written for the express purpose of shattering this dangerous illusion. By leaving what is possibly the most important area of human inquiry (ethics) to the realm of religion, Sam Harris argues, we are leaving the future of human well-being in the hands of those least equipped to understand it, let alone maximize it.

    While Sam Harris staunchly opposes the nonsense that is moral relativism, he is not, as he is often caricatured, a moral fascist claiming that there is only one right path to building a moral society. In fact, the concept of the moral landscape is that of a plane representing every possible arrangement of society, with the altitude at each point representing the well-being of that society. There are multiple valleys but also multiple peaks on this landscape, meaning that there are almost certainly multiple valid ways to structure a society which maximizes the well-being of its inhabitants. There are of course legitimate questions to be asked about how best to quantify this well-being. Should we consider total well-being, average well-being, or the maximum individual well-being? Unfortunately, Harris does not attempt to answer this question, even if he does bring it to the reader's attention. Still, I cannot fault him for this, as the purpose of this book is to shatter certain illusions and pose certain questions, not to provide a "handbook of morality". Harris accomplishes what I imagine he set out to do magnificently, and this book is a must-read for anyone even slightly interested in the subject of morality - which, hopefully, will be everyone.